“The Girl in the Raindrops” starter

This is story starter 1 of 3 for this week’s Write Off.

Once you have read all three intros, please vote for the story you’d like me to finish next week. Thanks!

Sample of my playlist for “The Girl in the Raindrops”:

[gigya src=”http://grooveshark.com/songWidget.swf” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”250″ height=”40″ flashvars=”hostname=cowbell.grooveshark.com&songIDs=6395574&style=metal&p=0″ allowScriptAccess=”always” wmode=”window”]

“The Girl in the Raindrops”

Three years in a dry town is too long to survive. That’s what Stuart said when he packed his bags last summer in search of a better life.

To his credit, he’d lasted longer than other families in Franklin Falls. Most had left the second summer, with the remaining stragglers holding off ‘til another snowless winter.

As the bank accounts reflected darkening shades of red, Stuart told Amy that she was the only reason he hadn’t left with the rest. He had stayed to love her, to hold her, for nothing in return. But she was gone—far gone—and now, so was he.

Amy couldn’t leave. Franklin Falls was where their baby was born; where their baby had died.

Where the rain had taken her.

[polldaddy poll=6562013]

Read “Mosley’s Lover” intro
Read “The Playground” intro